Support Us

AsiaCarolinas provides a forum that celebrates Asian American diversity, empowers our unity, shines a light on our ancient and modern cultures, and gives us voice in the Charlotte region, the Carolinas, and throughout the world. AsiaCarolinas is a service of the Asian American Foundation for the Carolinas (AAFC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Why Give to

Your support helps us fulfill our mission to:

EMPOWER Asian Americans in the Charlotte region, the Carolinas, and elsewhere, and to provide a forum that celebrates our cultural heritage.

ENCOURAGE leaders to engage with the Asian American community, and to give us  an active role in developing an inclusive future in our region.

INSPIRE our community and to promote our strength in diversity and our power in unity.

INFORM local and global readers alike of vital issues from an Asian perspective, to promote healthy dialogue, and to establish positive influences for progress, 

ENTERTAIN and share the best of our cultures, remaining proud Carolinians and loyal Americans, while retaining our indomitable Asian values and spirit.

About AAFC

The Asian American Foundation for the Carolinas (AAFC) is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to:

  • Preserving Asian culture;
  • Advocating for community service and volunteerism;
  • Engaging community leaders to take active roles in inclusion; and
  • Assisting worthy initiatives organized by community groups.

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The Asian American Foundation for the Carolinas is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.